Dhufish on a Wreck

Local Fishing Legends – Jurien Bay Dhufish with Noles

LOCAL FISHING LEGENDS – JURIEN BAY DHUFISH WITH NOLES Jurien Bay Dhufish specialist Noles shares with you secrets to finding Big Dhuies, especially in the Jurien Bay region of Western Australia. Learn how to read your sounder properly to find caves and the best ground to target dhufish, pink snapper and baldchin groper. Noles also shares with you how to

Nick Hocking with 38cm Bream

Bait Fishing for Bream

BAIT FISHING FOR BREAM Bream on baits must be the most popular type of fishing in the Swan River. In these 3 videos, Steve and Nick talk you through why shady areas seem to produce better fish, along with the best baits and how to present them. Firstly, let’s talk about locations … Now let’s find out what kind of

Steve Correia with big King George Whiting

Dhufish on Soft Plastics plus Massive King George on Jig

DHUFISH ON SOFT PLASTICS TUTORIAL PLUS HUGE KING GEORGE WHITING ON METAL JIG KGs aren’t easy to target on lures in deep water but it can be done. This Dhufish patch was sure to have them kicking about so Steve took a punt. Jess Greenwood also lands a great Dhuie on a soft plastic and talks you through his technique

Herring Caught with Green tube

Beach Fishing with Floats

BEACH FISHING WITH FLOATS / BLOBS When you’re fishing from a beach with a rocky bottom or shoreline, floats (known in WA as blobs) can be just the ticket to help you catch Herring and avoid snags. In the first video, Steve shows you how to catch Herring using a blob and Whitebait. It’s actually very easy and the whole

Steve Correia with 24kg Samsonfish

Fishing How Tos

HOW TO TIE KNOTS, HOW TO MAKE RIGS AND HOW TO GET THE RIGHT PROP This page is dedicated to teaching you how to get better by learning the best knots, the rigs for each kind of fish you’re targeting and advice about getting your propeller right on your boat for better performance and fuel economy.

Japanese Egi Squid Jig

The Technology of Egi Squidding

THE TECHNOLOGY OF EGI SQUIDDING Garry McDonald from Western Squid Wranglers talks you through the amazing technology of Japanese Squid Rods and Jigs (the “Egi”). The use of different parts of the light spectrum on jigs can make a huge difference to your ability to catch the squid when they’re fussy. Part 1: Part 2:


Quick Squid Tips

QUICK SQUID TIPS Need to catch Squid in a hurry? Here’s a collection of quick tips to help you. Which Colour Squid Jig? How to Troll and Cast for Squid at the Same Time No bait, no GPS marks, no problem! Old School Squidding with Glen Jakovich Big Winter Squid and an Ink-Sprayjob from Uncle Miggs Learn about Egi and

Steel Propellers

Props Ain’t Props Part 5 – The Best Prop Shape

PROPS AIN’T PROPS PART 5 – THE BEST PROPELLER SHAPE FOR YOUR ENGINE Picking the Right Prop For Your Engine = Fuel Savings! In Part 5 of Props Ain’t Props, Michael takes you through 4 different props that could all be used on the same engine … but will produce different results. Pick you right one and you’ll save big